Welcome to Wesell Bills!... Your one-stop platform for Airtime, Data, Cable TV, Electricity, Educational PINs, and Insurance Payments... Our services are designed to be simple, fast, and reliable, with all requests processed instantly through our fully automated system... Need assistance or updates? Contact us or vist our support channels... Experience convenience like never before with Wesell!...

how to Use
register or login
Register by clicking on register, or login if you already have a wesell account.

Add funds to your wallet through bank transfer or deposit to your approved dedicated account or by Clicking fund my wallet, enter desired amount, select preferred payment mode flutterwave, or bank transfer accept terms and click on fund wallet, proceed to pay or fund your wallet automatically using card, bank, bank transfer or ussd

When credited, you can process your orders by filling in the correct details for your order.

Your order will be processed automatically and you will receive feedback and value
how to add funds to wallet
You can add funds to your wallet Automatically
Add funds to your wallet through bank transfer or deposit to your approved dedicated account or Click fund my wallet, enter desired amount, select preferred payment mode, accept terms and proceed to pay or fund your wallet.
Monitor Credit and Debit transactions
Monitor credit and debit transactions
Click my transaction history and you will see your credit and debit records.
Query Transactions
Query Transactions
Click my transaction history and you will see your wesell and delivery reference under debit records.

Click track bill transaction and enter either of wesell or delivery reference for Airtime and Data query and then query the transaction.
You will receive a feedback for that inquiry.

However, you should use only delivery reference to query cable tv and electricity transactions.
Peer to Peer Transfers
Peer to Peer transfers
Allows users to transfer funds amongst themselves within the system for free.
Click peer to peer transfer, enter the reference number of the user you want to send funds to and amount, and click transfer funds

You will be debited and user will be credited.
Unsuccessful orders debited are refunded automatically by the system.
However, a manual refund can be done when a complaint is received and verified of an unsuccessful order not auto refunded.

Click my transaction history and you will see your credit and debit records to asertain if you were refunded or not. you can also query the transaction for more deatils
Registration, Login, Forgotten Password
Registration, Login, Forgotten Password
For registration click on register and enter your correct details, click on register.

For login click on login, enter details(Email or phone number) and your password, you may save login if you want to remeber the details for your device only and then proceed to click sign in to login.

If you cannot remember your login password simply click on login, forgot password,enter your email address and reset your password. check your email for new login details.
Referral system
You can refer clients by clicking on refer clients button or sharing your unique referal link to others. Succesful registration with the link, phone number,will link the user to the referee for life. Referee earns a bonus for successful transactions carried out by the user.
User may trade wallet funds amongst peers on the platform. to convert wallet to cash.

Resellers can view our prices and fix theirs, charge your clients and process your orders from your wallet..
Processing Orders
Processing Orders
Login first for returning user or Register for new users.

Ensure you have required funds to execute your order in your wallet.
Where the funds are not sufficient, fund your wallet to ensure your funds can carry out the transaction.

Select a service (eg Airtime), provider network of the needed service (eg MTN) and receiver. Receiver is who will receive it (eg phone number, meter number, iuc number etc).

Enter desired amount if service is airtime and power

Enter phone number that will receive the token if power, this will enable you receive our token as text on your provided phone number in your request., in addition to the token sent in your notification on the site or app.

Click on Pricing to check our rates, Select a package if data or cable tv

Verify the details (your input) before processing .

If cable tv or power, ensure there are no flags in our tv or meter number verification feedback

Ensure your network is stable on your device

Click on process order and await our instant feedback , notification and value.
File a complaint for an order
You can File a complaint for an order by simply supplying the wesell reference from your transaction history alongside your short complaint and send. we will provide a feedback to your complaint in the shortest possible time.

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